I quit exacty a year ago. I said to myself, “This can’t be your life.” So I quit.
I told my wife “Let’s move back to L.A. I’ll take care of the kid, and in between,
I’ll follow what I’ve always wanted to follow – be a writer full time.”
So I quit.
“See you later, Baltimore. It’s back home I go.”
Now it’s been a year since. This time last year I was preparing for a cross-country trip, from the Mid-Atlantic to the West Coast.
And now I’m good.
My friends always ask:
“Hey, man, are you good?” I’m good. More good than ever.
I feel like I did my time in those cubicles, sitting in front of those computer screens, slouching low on those conference room chairs, e-mail after e-mail after e-mail.
I feel like I’m finally doing me – and so – I’m good.
My next step is to completely unplug from the unnecessary and focus on the necessary — to wean myself off of social media. I need a sabbatical. I just feel nasty when I engage nowadays. Posting photos, tweeting. It’s just too much out there. I no longer want to contribute. I want to get out of the conversation and find my voice again. There’s so much noise that I started to miss the silence.
I’m not ghosting. I’m simply on sabbatacial. No judgement served either. I can’t wait to get back into the mix.
These days, I prefer the comfort of my personal blog. This right here, a blog about me and my relationships with the world, especially with the citizens of L.A., my hometown, the freeways, the streets, the playgrounds, the sights, and the sounds. My kid, my wife, and my dogs.
I quit and now I’m good.