Notes Photos

Winter Carnival Lights

There’s something about these carnival lights that make me feel at ease. It’s like a promise — to tell me that they will always be around, that they will never leave. To make me believe in tomorrow. To make me believe in me.

Winterfest OC Carousel
Dizzy flights dazzle. (Photo by Roel F. Concepcion)
Winterfest OC Ferris Wheel
Ferris wheel lights. (Photo by Roel F. Concepcion)
Winterfest OC Himalaya Ride
Rollers coasters shine. (Photo by Roel F. Concepcion)
Winterfest OC Ice Cream Vendor
Reds, whites, and blues. (Photo by Roel F. Concepcion)
Winterfest OC Carousel
White lights play. (Photo by Roel F. Concepcion)